the eager load queries are not meant to be modified by the query that
you send to not really supposed to have any
awareness of the eager loads at all.  eager loading and lazy loading
both load the full list of child items in all cases.  heres a relevant
FAQ entry:

heres a new section in the docs that illustrates how to load relations
only partially (though lazily):

if you totally want to eagerly load the child items using a specialized
criterion, this would be a job for result set mapping, where you make
whatever query you want.  the basic idea is described here:

however, i need to update those docs.  to get the eager loads in your
query to work, you need to send along some special information about
which relations you are eager loading in your query, like this:

q = session.query(SomeClass).options(contains_eager('somerelation'),
result = q.instances(myselectstatement.execute())

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