you need to attach a test case that doenst have all the "generalorm"  
dependencies.  also, i looked at this and i dont see why the  
ruledispatch stuff cant be factored out of the test as well since  
none of those functions seem to be called.

a one-file self-contained test case is best.  since i dont see  
anything obviously wrong with the usage of SA here, i have a feeling  
that youll come across the problem when you continue to simplify the  
test case.

On Jan 11, 2007, at 6:36 PM, Patrick Lewis wrote:

> Hello, I have a test case in a project that I am working with that is
> giving me fits.
> My problem is this.  I have what I thing is a fairly straightforward
> setUp method, and a test to make sure that setUp worked (test_setup).
> When I run nosetests to do the tests, the test_setup test fails.
> ======================================================================
> ERROR: (tests.testsa.TestSqlAlchemy) "Make sure our setup is what we
> think it is."
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.4/lib/
> python2.4/site-packages/nose-0.9.0-py2.4.egg/nose/", line 129,
> in runTest
>      self.testCase(*self.arg)
>    File "/Users/plewis/Programming/TurboGears/GeneralORM_news/tests/
>", line 62, in test_setup
> IndexError: list index out of range
> -------------------- >> begin captured stdout << ---------------------
> 2007-01-11 07:22:41,301 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30
> PRAGMA table_info(user_group)
> 2007-01-11 07:22:41,301 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30 {}
> 2007-01-11 07:22:41,301 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30
> PRAGMA table_info(tg_user)
> 2007-01-11 07:22:41,302 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30 {}
> 2007-01-11 07:22:41,302 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30
> PRAGMA table_info(tg_group)
> 2007-01-11 07:22:41,302 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30 {}
> 2007-01-11 07:22:41,303 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30
> PRAGMA table_info(tg_group)
> 2007-01-11 07:22:41,303 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30 {}
> 2007-01-11 07:22:41,303 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30
> PRAGMA table_info(tg_user)
> 2007-01-11 07:22:41,303 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30 {}
> 2007-01-11 07:22:41,303 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30
> PRAGMA table_info(user_group)
> 2007-01-11 07:22:41,303 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30 {}
> 2007-01-11 07:22:41,304 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30
> CREATE TABLE tg_group (
>          group_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
>          group_name VARCHAR(16),
>          display_name VARCHAR(255),
>          created TIMESTAMP,
>          PRIMARY KEY (group_id),
>           UNIQUE (group_name)
> )
> 2007-01-11 07:22:41,304 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30 None
> 2007-01-11 07:22:41,304 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30  
> 2007-01-11 07:22:41,305 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30
> CREATE TABLE tg_user (
>          user_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
>          user_name VARCHAR(16),
>          email_address VARCHAR(255),
>          display_name VARCHAR(255),
>          password VARCHAR(40),
>          created TIMESTAMP,
>          PRIMARY KEY (user_id),
>           UNIQUE (user_name),
>           UNIQUE (email_address)
> )
> 2007-01-11 07:22:41,305 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30 None
> 2007-01-11 07:22:41,306 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30  
> 2007-01-11 07:22:41,306 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30
> CREATE TABLE user_group (
>          user_id INTEGER,
>          group_id INTEGER,
>           FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES tg_user (user_id),
>           FOREIGN KEY(group_id) REFERENCES tg_group (group_id)
> )
> 2007-01-11 07:22:41,306 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30 None
> 2007-01-11 07:22:41,306 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30  
> 2007-01-11 07:22:41,308 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30  
> 2007-01-11 07:22:41,310 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30
> INSERT INTO tg_user (user_name, email_address, display_name,
> password, created) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
> 2007-01-11 07:22:41,310 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30
> ['bobvilla', '[EMAIL PROTECTED]', 'Bob Villa', 'toughasnails',
> '2007-01-11 07:22:41.310027']
> 2007-01-11 07:22:41,311 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30
> INSERT INTO tg_user (user_name, email_address, display_name,
> password, created) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
> 2007-01-11 07:22:41,311 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30
> ['bobathome', '[EMAIL PROTECTED]', 'Bob Villa', 'hammertime', '2007-01-11
> 07:22:41.311389']
> 2007-01-11 07:22:41,312 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30  
> UuUuUuU class User user_id=1 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> display_name=Bob Villa
> 2007-01-11 07:22:41,314 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30
> SELECT tg_user.user_id AS tg_user_user_id, tg_user.created AS
> tg_user_created, tg_user.email_address AS tg_user_email_address,
> tg_user.display_name AS tg_user_display_name, tg_user.password AS
> tg_user_password, tg_user.user_name AS tg_user_user_name
> FROM tg_user
> WHERE tg_user.user_name = ? ORDER BY tg_user.oid
> 2007-01-11 07:22:41,314 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30
> ['bobvilla']
> 2007-01-11 07:22:41,316 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30
> SELECT tg_user.user_id AS tg_user_user_id, tg_user.created AS
> tg_user_created, tg_user.email_address AS tg_user_email_address,
> tg_user.display_name AS tg_user_display_name, tg_user.password AS
> tg_user_password, tg_user.user_name AS tg_user_user_name
> FROM tg_user ORDER BY tg_user.oid
> 2007-01-11 07:22:41,316 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30 []
> []
> class User user_id=1 email_address=None display_name=None
> class User user_id=2 [EMAIL PROTECTED] display_name=Bob Villa
> --------------------- >> end captured stdout << ----------------------
> Above, it looks to me like that both User records got inserted and
> committed (I see two INSERT statements).  But, when I try to pull
> them back out, one looks like the second one got saved with all of
> its attributes, and the other one only has its id saved.
> When I run just the test_setup test, it works fine.
> I've tried to strip down the project as small as I can (basically the
> test case and one stripped module file) into the attachment.  It
> requires RuleDispatch, but nothing else external.  Any pointers would
> be very much appreciated.
> Using SqlAlchemy 0.3.3
> > <>

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