Hi all,

I'm still learning SA, so please forgive me, if I'm asking something obvious or
have overlooked something in the docs...

The subject onyl gives a vague idea of what I'm trying to accomplish, but since
I couldn't find better term for it, I had trouble searching the lists, docs, 

Suppose I have an object 'Bookmark' mapped to a table 'bookmarks':

bookmarks_tbl = Table('bookmarks', metadata,
    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('owner_id', Integer, ForeignKey('users.user_id')),
    Column('parent_id', Integer, ForeignKey('bookmarks.id')),
    Column('title', String(100)),
    Column('description', String(1000)),
    Column('url', String(250))

As you can see 'parent_id' is a self-referencing FK to the bookmarks table. The
idea now is to allow users to have their own copies of mapped 'Bookmark'
objects, that are a sort of child of an existing 'Bookmark' object and allow
them to overwrite certain columns like e.g. 'title' and 'description'. But if
the column is NULL, it should be looked up in the parent object/row. Sort-of
like in class/object attributes in Python classes.

I hope, I made it clear what I mean. Is this feasible? Is there support in SA
for this or has anybody done anything like this? Any pointers or ideas are very
much appreciated!

Cheers, Chris

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