we just implemented our very first oracle BLOB support in 0.3.4.   
havent tested CLOBs yet...this may require an explciit type in the  
oracle module along the same lines as OracleBinary (i.e. OracleText,  
or OracleCLOB perhaps).  one thing I can say though, cx_oracle's  
support for LOBs is extremely limited and more enhanceents to SA to  
make them usable are needed (such as better result-set support for  
active rows).  check out the CHANGES file on the site for some notes  
on it.

On Jan 25, 2007, at 12:12 PM, Bryson Lee wrote:

> Is there a canonical way to deal with class data members that map to
> CLOB fields in the database?  When I map to Oracle tables containing
> CLOB's, I get an exception from cx_Oracle about the LOB-locator object
> being invalidated by a subsequent fetch when I reference the CLOB
> member of the mapped class in code.
> What I think needs to happen is that when the class member is created,
> instead of making it refer to the cx_Oracle LOB-locator itself the
> member should be set to the result of locator.read().
> Is this something that'd have to be patched into the engine/driver, or
> can I handle it in a mapper extension?
> I'm using SA 0.3.1 at the moment -- might there be better CLOB support
> in 0.3.4?
> Thanks,
> Bryson
> >

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