doing away with the __del__() thing ?   what would we gain by  
removing the __del__() call ?    one thing I should do is insure ORM  
etc. do not rely upon __del__() (which they shouldnt, although I just  
tested with the AssertionPool and...surprise)

i dont see how this issue is a problem in the practical sense, if you  
have a connection pool with a reasonable size and a little bit of  
overflow, how many stack trace structures are going to hang around  
indefinitely in memory ?

On Jan 26, 2007, at 3:40 PM, Jonathan Ellis wrote:

> So it turns out that in my script to reproduce the problem with just
> Pool ( the reason the
> ConnectionFairy __del__ isn't getting called after the exception is,
> python's internal exception structures still have a reference to it.
> If you change except: print to except: sys.exc_clear() the problem
> goes away.  (The problem of indefinite hanging, that is.)
> Unfortunately I can't think of a way to fix this other than not
> relying on __del__ and saying, "thou shalt wrap all connection usage
> with try/finally: close()."  Which isn't bad in 2.5 (with new
> ContextManager support) but kinda bites in earlier pythons.
> I'm willing to make this change if you want.
> >

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