ken.riel wrote:

>I have a problem catching a sqlalchemy error in a try and expect.
>You see in the model that my user_name must be unique. So if the is a
>user_name like "Ken" and i fill in my form the name "Ken" for user_name
>i will get an error like this:
>SQLError: (IntegrityError) column user_name is not unique
>So i like to catch the SQLError in the expect.
>Model code:
>users_table = Table ('users', metadata,
>    Column('user_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>    Column('user_name', Unicode(16), unique=True),
>    Column('user_lastname', Unicode(255)),
>    Column('user_zipcode', Unicode(6)),
>    Column('display_name', Unicode(255),),
>    Column('password', Unicode(40)),
>    Column('created', Date,
>class Users(object):
>    pass
>assign_mapper(session.context, Users, users_table)
>Controller code:
>def drop_user(self, user_id=None, name="", last_name="", zipcode="",
>password="", msg=""):
>    try:
>        user = Users()
>        user.user_name = 'Ken'
>        session.flush()
>    except Exception, e:
>        turbogears.flash(e)
>    return dict()
>It's not working so can anyone tel me what to do.
>Ken van Riel
hi ken,

This is a tg problem.
I posted a similar problem to turbogears mailing-list.
Please check for answers to the subject:
"sqlalchemy transaction"


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