here's something about postgres:

pu_A = polymorphic_union( {
                        'A': table_A,
                        'B': table_B,
                        }, 'atype', 'pu_A', ) #concrete

On postgres, the above fails - does not like the 'pu_A'. 
If it's lowercase/omitted, it's ok.

i think u did already say that about mixed casing in some post above;
should i just scratch that name/alias (it is there only for clarity)?

$ python db=postgres:///proba 

SQLError: (ProgrammingError) missing FROM-clause entry for 
table "pu_a"
 'SELECT "pu_A".id AS pu_A_id, "pu_A"."linkA_id" AS "pu_A_linkA_id", 
pu_A.atype AS "pu_A_atype", "pu_A".name AS pu_A_name, "pu_A".data2 AS 
pu_A_data2 \nFROM (SELECT CAST(NULL AS TEXT) AS data2, "A"."linkA_id" 
AS "linkA_id", "A".name AS name, "A".id AS id, \'A\' AS atype 
\nFROM "A" UNION ALL SELECT "B".data2 AS data2, "B"."linkA_id" 
AS "linkA_id", "B".name AS name, "B".id AS id, \'B\' AS atype 
\nFROM "B") AS "pu_A" \nWHERE "pu_A".id = %(pu_A_id)s ORDER 
BY "pu_A".id \n LIMIT 1' {'pu_A_id': 1L}

> all tests pass with rev 2267 of that branch.  try that rev
> specifically, since i want to take whats there and do another pass.
> im trying to get it so that the entire science of "parent table,
> child table, polymorphic selectables, primary join -> polymorphic
> joins -> determine direction/lazy clause/eager clause/synchronize
> FKs" is super-well-nailed down.

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