Guy Hulbert wrote:

>On Wed, 2007-31-01 at 12:17 -0500, Guy Hulbert wrote:
>>>I would like to display my dates with format '%d/%m/%Y'  instead of
>>>qry = session.query(Nazione).select(Nazione.c.codice=='201')
>>>print qry[0].data_inizio
Thank you Guy to answer my question.
I know I can use the strftime property of datetime to format my dates as:


but what I'm looking for, is a way to setting date style in SA or 
psycopg2 whithout need to apply functions
to change the default format.
Is it possible?


>>>Is there a way to set it in SA without using a customer function  ?
>>Something like:
>>where 's' is the string you want to reformat, would do it.
> s = '2006-01-14'
> l = s.split('-')
> s = '/'.join(l)
>does work (I haven't been using python long enough to get it into a
>line :-( ... i'll shut up now ...

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