> i think you are looking for a "feedback arc set", which describes
> exactly the problem that applying "post_update" to a mapping
> solves:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feedback_arc_set
> and we actually generate a set like this in the _find_cycles()
> method, except it doesnt find just one edge of the cycle, it
> contains all of the edges comprising the cycle.
> the "mincut" term is definitely wrong:  "A cut is minimal if the
> size of the cut is not larger than the size of any other cut." 
> nothing to do with cycles, and a topological sort is definitely not
> a flow network (no "source" or "sink" to start with).

of course, topological sort is a sort, but in order of it to work, the 
graph should not have cycles. Which are cut by use_alter's and 
post_updates, on foreign keys and relations.

well, in our case all edges have cost of 1, except inheritance-related 
primary-key-joins which have cost of infinity, so they become 
Duplicate edges do matter as they increase the total cost.
Thus min cut is a cut with mininal cost, which is the number of edges 

i am trying to automaticaly add the relations' post_update, given a 
set of classes and their relations.

i've already done the use_alter's on foreign keys in same automatical 


My conclusion from the source code, is that current 
object/mappers-based flush() does not handle the concrete-inheritance 
in a different way than table-inheritance, while IMO they should 
differ as they touch different set of tables.

which in a way confirms your saying about flush() would be better 
based on tables/foreign keys than obj/mappers.

> On Feb 2, 2007, at 12:07 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:
> > On Feb 2, 2007, at 10:33 AM, svilen wrote:
> >> A mincut algorithm finds the minimal number of edges to cut in a
> >> cycled graph so it becomes without cycles.
> >>
> >> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max-flow_min-cut_theorem
> >>
> >> i.e. applying such algorithm over the graph of table
> >> dependencies (foregnkey), one gets some minimal number of
> >> foreign keys to make use_alter=True.
> >> there might be many solutions.
> >>
> >> or in the mapper/relation graph, find which relations to make
> >> post_update=True so although obj-relaltions are cycling, the
> >> mapper/relations have no cycles.
> >>
> >> is it more clear now?
> >
> > no, not at all.  thats the article I read, and it applies to a
> > "flow graph", which as far as I can tell has to apply numerical
> > values to each edge in the graph and applies a "capacity" to the
> > nodes.  I dont see what "numerical" or "capacity" values would be
> > applied to a topological sort.
> >
> > class User
> > class Address
> >
> > User -> one to many -> Address
> >
> > whats the "capacity" for that graph ?  whats the "x/y" to stick
> > between those two nodes ?
> >
> > also, this whole topic is not very important to me, as its easy
> > enough for someone to just add a "post_update" into their mapping
> > configuration when an obvious inter-row dependency is detected.

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