On Jan 22, 1:56 pm, Jose Soares <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Could someone please, explain me what's wrong with thistransaction?
> ....
>  File 
> "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/TurboGears-1.0-py2.4.egg/turbogears/database.py",
>  line 303, in sa_rwt>   transaction.commit()
>   File "build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/sqlalchemy/orm/session.py", line 54, in 
> commit
>   File "build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py", line 389, in 
> commitInvalidRequestError: Thistransactionisinactive
> ---------
> def save_user(data,user,anagrafica):
>        transaction= session.create_transaction()
>        try:
>            for f in user.ruoli:
>                session.delete(f)
>            session.flush()
>            for item in data.get('dettaglio'):
>                if item.get('cod_ruolo'):
>                    user.ruoli.append(UserGroup(
>                           id_operatore = item.get('id_operatore'),
>                           )
>                )
>            user.data_inizio_attivita = data.get('data_inizio_attivita')
>            anagrafica.nome           = data.get('display_name')
>            session.save(user)
>            session.save(anagrafica)
>            session.flush()
>            transaction.commit()
>        except:
>            transaction.rollback()
> jo

Jose, there has been some discussion of this on the TurboGears Google
The thread is at


(SQLAlchemy and run_with_transaction)

Essentially, the @expose() decorator wraps the session you are using
in a
transaction (sa_rwt) within which the controller method runs.  When
controller raises an exception and rolls back, the commit() that
happens after the controller code block is trying to commit an already
rolled back
transaction.  The solution I went (from the TurboGears group
was to create a decorator to use with my controller methods that need
transactions that overrides this "feature" of @expose().

Mike S.

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