I've gone through the archives, but there doesn't appear to have been 
any discussion on the use of trusted connections to MSSQL servers. (aka 
NT authentication, passthrough etc.) If I've overlooked a previous 
discussion and am rehashing things then please do point it out.

Of the three db interfaces on offer (pymssql, adodbapi, pyodbc) only the 
latter two offer the possibility of a trusted connection. I looked at 
the code of pymssql a while ago and it doesn't do anything useful with a 
null username (which is the way in which Object Craft's now-stale MSSQL 
module handles passthrough). The ADO & ODBC connections use those mildly 
unwieldy connection strings which do at least allow for NT authentication.

Assuming there were to be some agreement on the matter, I'd be quite 
happy to offer a patch. But I'm not sure whether the preference would be 
for an implicit trusted connection (pass an empty username) or for an 
explicit option on the create_engine (trusted_connection=True or whatever).

Picking up briefly on comments by Rick Morrison -- to whom many thanks 
for making the MSSQL stuff happen -- it is a shame that there's no easy 
answer to the question: "What do I use with Python to access MS SQL 
Server?". I used the Object Craft module for years until they 
effectively stopped releases for newer versions. I occasionally fall 
back to Py2.3 just to use it as it's the most robust of the options. 
pyodbc looks good but lacks .nextset support, which is central to a 
widely used (internally) sql2xl library I knocked up years ago. adodbapi 
does offer this but has been unmaintained for a while and is just a 
little flaky. pymssql is maintained but uses the deprecated db-lib 
interface (as does the Object Craft offering) and doesn't handle Unicode 
especially well, at least on Windows.

With all that, then, I'm very glad that sqlalchemy gives me the choice!


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