This should be easy, but I'm having real problems with it. I'd like  
to do the following SQL (this is from MySQL) as a sqa query:

select count(distinct flow.node_id) as nodes, ip.ip_addr,, ip.domain, ip.isp, from flow, ip where flow.src_id = group by flow.src_id having nodes > 5 order by nodes desc;

I can't work out how to do the 'having nodes > 5' bit at all. All  
help gratefully received!

For info, the tables look like this (with some fields missed out for  

Tables are pretty straightfoward. Slighty edited, they look like this:

owner_table = Table("node",
     Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),
        [more stuff]

# location data based on the fields from ip2location
ip_table = Table("ip",
     Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
     Column('ip_addr', String(16), nullable=False, index=True,  
     Column('isp', Unicode, default=0.0),
     Column('domain', Unicode, default=0.0),
     Column('country', Unicode, default=None),
     Column('city', Unicode, default=None),

flow_table = Table("flow",
     Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),
     Column("owner_id", Integer, ForeignKey(""),
     Column("ip_proto", Integer, default=6, nullable=False),
     Column("src_id", Integer, ForeignKey(""), nullable=False),
     Column("dst_id", Integer, ForeignKey(""), nullable=False),

Then I define the obvious mappers.



Arthur Clune

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