if you run it with full blown logging on, i.e.:

import logging

the issue can be detected when you look at the mapper creating  
instance keys for "T" (although this is clearly not a novice issue):

DEBUG:sqlalchemy.orm.mapper.Mapper:(T|ts) _instance(): identity key  
(<class '__main__.T'>, (1,), None) not in session[]
DEBUG:sqlalchemy.orm.mapper.Mapper:(T|ts) _instance(): identity key  
(<class '__main__.T'>, (None,), None) not in session[]
DEBUG:sqlalchemy.orm.mapper.Mapper:(T|ts) _instance(): identity key  
(<class '__main__.T'>, (3,), None) not in session[]
DEBUG:sqlalchemy.orm.mapper.Mapper:(T|ts) _instance(): identity key  
(<class '__main__.T'>, (None,), None) not in session[]
DEBUG:sqlalchemy.orm.mapper.Mapper:(T|ts) _instance(): identity key  
(<class '__main__.T'>, (5,), None) not in session[]

so its not getting an identity key for every other row, which  
indicates its looking at the wrong column in the result set.   (on  
each of those "None"s, its going to skip that entity) looking at the  

SELECT ts.id, ts.dat, other.ts_id, other.other_dat
FROM ts LEFT OUTER JOIN other ON ts.id = other.ts_id

we can see that "other" has a column called "ts_id", which looks  
exactly like the label that would be made for "id" in table "ts".  so  
thats whats happening here.   so throwing on a "use_labels=True" to  
the query (or changing the name of "ts_id") produces the query:

SELECT ts.id AS ts_id, ts.dat AS ts_dat, other.ts_id AS other_ts_id,  
other.other_dat AS other_other_dat
FROM ts LEFT OUTER JOIN other ON ts.id = other.ts_id

that gives the correct results.

not sure what SA can really do here to make this kind of issue easier  
to catch, since the resultproxy itself is where its looking for "col  
label, col name, ", etc.  the generated labels are generally more  
accurate.  i tried playing around with ResultProxy to make it detect  
an ambiguity of this nature, but i think it might not be possible  
unless more flags/switches get passed from the statement to the  
result (which id rather not do since it further marginalizes straight  
textual queries), since if the select statement uses table/col labels  
for each column, there still could be conflicts which dont matter,  
such as the column names the normal eager loader generates:

'ts_id', 'ts_dat', 'other_4966_ts_id', 'other_4966_other_dat',

that result is from column "ts_id" attached to an Alias  
"other_4966".  if we said "dont allow any Column to be found twice in  
the row", then that breaks (since it will match other_4966_ts_id on  
its _label, ts_id on its name).

On Feb 27, 2007, at 12:09 PM, Dennis Muhlestein wrote:

> from sqlalchemy import *
> e=create_engine('sqlite://memory')
> ts=Table('ts',e,
>       Column ( 'id',Integer,primary_key=True),
>       Column ( 'dat',Integer,nullable=False))
> ts.create()
> to_oneornone=Table('other',e,
>       Column ( 'ts_id', Integer,ForeignKey('ts.id'), primary_key=True,  
> nullable=False ),
>       Column ( 'other_dat', Integer, nullable=False ) )
> to_oneornone.create()
> class T(object): pass
> T.mapper=mapper(T,ts)
> class To(object):pass
> To.mapper=mapper(To,to_oneornone,properties={'ts':relation 
> (T,backref=backref('other',uselist=False))})
> s=create_session()
> for x in range(10):
>  t=T()
>  t.dat=x
>  s.save(t)
>  if x % 2 == 0: # test every other T has an optional data
>   o=To()
>   o.other_dat=x
>   t.other=o
>  s.save(t)
>  s.flush()
> s.clear()
> somedata=s.query(T).options(eagerload('other')).select()
> print 'Number results should be 10: ', len(somedata)
> s.clear()
> sel=select([ts,to_oneornone],
>       from_obj=[ts.outerjoin(to_oneornone)])
> print "Raw select also is 10: " , len(sel.execute().fetchall() )
> print "Instances should also be 10: ", len(s.query(T).options 
> (contains_eager('other')).instances(sel.execute()))

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