On Mar 6, 11:37 pm, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK who can try Mysql, MS-SQL, Oracle, Firebird for me ?  while it
> seems like it "should" work positionally for all of them, it sort of
> seems it "should" work keyword-wise as well if the DBAPI authors
> actually read the spec they were developing for.

MSSQL with pyodbc gives:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "c:\work_in_progress\sqlalchemy\lib\sqlalchemy\engine\base.py",
line 982, in fetchmany
    rows = self.cursor.fetchmany(size=size)
TypeError: fetchmany() takes no keyword arguments

MSSQL with adodbapi works ok

MSSQL with pymssql works ok

The pyodbc cursor.fetchmany *does* allow the
rowcount as a positional argument:

from sqlalchemy import *
db = create_engine ("MSSQL://VODEV1/DEV")
q = db.raw_connection ().cursor ()
q.execute ("SELECT * FROM wb_parcels")
q.fetchmany (2)
# [<pyodbc.Row object at 0x00A7A728>, <pyodbc.Row object at


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