a SQL statement containing joins usually has the joins in a chain:

select * from table1 JOIN table2 ON table1.somecolumn =  
table2.somecolumn JOIN table3 on table2.somecolumn=table3.somecolumn ...

SQLAlchemy's join function works in a similar way.  you can keep  
calling "join" on the previous "join" in a generative fashion:

j = table1.join(table2, table1.c.somecolumn==table2.c.somecolumn).join 
(table3, table2.c.somecolumn==table3.c.somecolumn)

the above construct generates into just the "join" clause part of the  
SQL statement.  but it is a "selectable", meaning its an element that  
contains its own list of columns and can be used in the FROM clause  
of a SELECT statement.

when you have a selectable, you can select all columns by saying:


or the selectable can be added to the FROM clause of any select using  

s = select([table1.c.col1, table2.c.col2, ...], from_obj=[j])

using from_obj as above, you can combine the join with any other set  
of selectables.

On Mar 15, 2007, at 7:13 PM, Gloria wrote:

> Hi All,
> Good examples of rudimentary joins of 3 or more tables are hard to
> find. Please point me to some decent examples.
> Thank you,
> ~G~
> >

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