youd need to add some "delete" cascades to your relationship, maybe  
on just the backref (using the backref() function), e.g.

option_mapper = assign_mapper(ctx, Option, option_table,
          'sites':relation(Site, backref=backref("options",  
cascade="save-update, delete"),
secondary=options_has_sites, cascade="save-update"),

On Mar 16, 2007, at 10:38 AM, Alexandre CONRAD wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a many-to-many relation between an option table and a site  
> table.
> Deleting an option correctly deletes the related rows in
> "options_has_sites" table.
> But when I delete a site, I have some orphan rows in the
> "options_has_sites" table. How can I avoid this ?
> # SITE TABLE -----------
> site_table = Table('sites', meta,
>      Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>      Column('name', Unicode(20), nullable=False, unique=True),
> )
> class Site(object):
>      pass
> site_mapper = assign_mapper(ctx, Site, site_table,
> )
> # OPTION TABLE ------------
> option_table = Table('options', meta,
>      Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>      Column('name', Unicode(20), unique=True, nullable=False),
> )
> options_has_sites = Table('sites_has_options', meta,
>      Column('id_site', None, ForeignKey(''),  
> primary_key=True),
>      Column('id_option', None, ForeignKey(''),  
> primary_key=True),
> )
> class Option(object):
>      pass
> option_mapper = assign_mapper(ctx, Option, option_table,
>      properties={
>          'sites':relation(Site, backref="options",
> secondary=options_has_sites, cascade="save-update"),
>      },
> )
> Should I play with backref() ?
> Regards,
> -- 
> Alexandre CONRAD
> >

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