gets MSTimestamp added, which probably subclasses  
MSDateTime,  which sends along TIMESTAMP, and gets a fix in  
ischema_names to support reflection.  colspecs dict gets  
sqltypes.TIMESTAMP: MSTimestamp added.

*perhaps*, should have Timestamp added to it, TIMESTAMP will  
subclass Timestamp.  but i dont think this is needed quite yet.

can you send me a patch ?

On Mar 20, 2007, at 11:11 AM, eppye wrote:

> I'm using SQLalchemy 0.3.4 with MySQL 5.0 and MySQLdb 1.2.2  and try
> to insert this table:
> tas = Table(
>    'ta', metadata,
>    Column('idta',Integer,primary_key=True,autoincrement=False),
>    Column('ts',TIMESTAMP,PassiveDefault(text("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"))),
> I get the next error (did some formatting on it):
> sqlalchemy.exceptions.SQLError: (OperationalError) (1067, "Invalid
> default value for 'ts'")
>    '\nCREATE TABLE ta (
>    \n\t    idta INTEGER NOT NULL,
>    \n\t    PRIMARY KEY (idta)\n
>    ) ENGINE=InnoDB\n\n' ()
> MySQL does not accept this.
> When using SQL-directly this SQL is accepted:
> '''CREATE TABLE ta (
>                        idta        INTEGER           NOT NULL,
>                        ts          TIMESTAMP       DEFAULT
>                        PRIMARY KEY (idta)
>                        )
> Then I realised that SQLAlchemy passes a TIMESTAMP as DATETIME.
> I fixed this in databases\  so SQLAlchemy now passes
> and all goes OK.
> Is this a 'bug',  a feature or is there a better way?
> Best regards,
> eppye
> >

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