On Wed, 2007-03-21 at 16:11 -0400, Michael Bayer wrote:
> the literal('c') compiles into a bind parameter, which is not able to  
> "export" itself as a column on its enclosing "selectable", so thats  
> that error (i might want to look into adding a better error for that  
> one, had never seen it before).  you want to use a newer function  
> literal_column("c").   the change in 0.3.5 is that saying column 
> ("something") is going to apply case sensitivity rules to the string  
> inside...since yours has '' inside of it, it says, "oh i have to  
> quote that".  so literal_column() disables all quoting rules (and its  
> whats used inside of the polymorphic_union function now).

Thanks Michael! 

literal_column("'c'").label('kind') seems to be working well.


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