its likely because the process in which you are trying to unpickle  
does not have the mappers compiled.  the mapper compilation step is  
where the attribute gets added to Invoice at the class level.

On Mar 22, 2007, at 8:30 PM, HD Mail wrote:

> Hi,
> I am having problems with saving/restoring mapped objects from a  
> pylons
> session.
> I am getting the "no attribute" on a list attribute (which is a one- 
> many
> relationship) error when pylons tries to unpickle the object.
> I've read a previous post where Michael explains why this happens.
> I have turned off all lazy loaders. I have also tried to implement
> __setstate__,
> but not sure what I should be doing in there.
> This is my example:
> class Invoice: pass
> class InvoiceLine: pass
> db.mapper(InvoiceLine, db.invoice_line_table)
> db.mapper(Invoice, db.invoice_table,
>    properties = {
>        'client': relation(Client, lazy=True),
>        'lines': relation(InvoiceLine, lazy=True),
>    }
> )
> This works:
> import pickle
> i = Invoice()
> pickle.dump(i, file('test', 'w'))
> i = pickle.load(file('test'))
> if I then do this
> il = InvoiceLine()
> i.lines.append(il)
> pickle.dump(i, file('test', 'w'))
> I get this:
> File "/home/huy/apps/sqlalchemy/lib/sqlalchemy/orm/",  
> line
> 452, in __setstate__
> AttributeError: type object 'Invoice' has no attribute 'lines'
> How can I get around this problem ?
> Thanks
> Huy
> >

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