its not theoretically impossible, but it is theoretically  
ridiculously complicated to do automatically, and also would have to  
limit the depth arbitrarily to one or two levels (which means,  
someone wants level 5 off their eager loader, then they come back to  
complain).  each level of nodes for an adjacency-list relationship  
requires a distinct self-join.  each self-join would need to be  
aliased too, which then gets pretty complicated when that self-join  
is injected into a larger mapping of enclosing eager loaders, etc.   
plus all the code that right now knows "stop eager loading when we  
come back to our own mapper" now becomes a lot more complicated,  
since now we are counting levels and stuff like that.  add onto that  
the really insane self-joins that already arise with polymorphic  
mappings, id be fixing bugs in that code for ten years.  the queries  
are way too huge.  not to mention the efficiency issues that start to  
arise when you start self-joining too much.

So, if you really need to load alot of self-ref nodes in one query,  
you query all the nodes yourself and then attach them.  thats what  
the example "examples/adjacencytree/" illustrates.

On Mar 23, 2007, at 12:14 PM, Koen Bok wrote:

> Could anyone please explain me a little why self referantial mappers
> cannot be eager-loading. Is this not yet integrated in SQLAlchemy or
> theoratically impossible or impractical?
> Ciao
> Koen
> >

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