> I think the issue is you cant put a "task_status" ordering in your  
> Task mapper since that table is not part of its mapping.
> http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/wiki/ 
> FAQ#ImusinglazyFalsetocreateaJOINOUTERJOINandSQLAlchemyisnotconstructing 
> thequerywhenItrytoaddaWHEREORDERBYLIMITetc.whichreliesupontheOUTERJOIN
I'm a bit confused. So with a mapping as follows.

db.mapper(TaskStatus, db.sys_task_status)
db.mapper(Task, db.task,
   properties = {
       'status': relation(TaskStatus, lazy=False),

Is the only way for me to order by a column in sys_task_status is with 
an explicit join like in this example ?

query = db.query(model.Task).select_from(

which results in the following SQL:

SELECT sys_task_status_cf27.*, task.*
FROM task JOIN sys_task_status ON sys_task_status.status_code = 
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys_task_status AS sys_task_status_cf27 ON 
sys_task_status_cf27.status_code = task.status_code
ORDER BY sys_task_status.seq_no, sys_task_status_cf27.status_code

I'm trying to get to the following query. It takes half the time of the 
first query.

SELECT sys_task_status_cf27.*, task.*
FROM task LEFT OUTER JOIN sys_task_status AS sys_task_status_cf27 ON 
sys_task_status_cf27.status_code = task.status_code
ORDER BY sys_task_status_cf27.seq_no, sys_task_status_cf27.status_code

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