On Mar 27, 2007, at 2:08 AM, chris e wrote:

> specific to the identity of the object. Is there currently a way, or a
> plan to support, splitting the polymorphic query into two queries? The
> first would get the base table, the second would retrieve the details
> based on the discovered table. This way only two tables would be
> queried instead of n where n is the number of polymorphic identities.

what if you are querying for 10 objects that are of different  
polymorphic identities ?    I do have some interest in expanding the  
mapper architecture to allow a single Query operation to result in  
multiple immediate select statements instead of one, this is how  
Hibernate usually does it in the default case.   I hadnt yet noticed  
how hibernate does joined-table inheritance, if it is breaking up the  
table queries in the way that you mention.  As yet I havent delved  
into how such an architecture could be added and it would be a very  
complicated refactoring.

you can of course perform an operation like this manually - just  
query the primary table yourself, then issue the join against the two  
tables into instances(), or query against the specific subclass  
you've identified.    if you have set up polymorphic loaders at every  
level, one useful thing on SA's side would be to allow a  
"polymorphic=False" option to Query to disable the polymorphic load.

> Our DBAs have concerns that as our tables grow, possibly to the size
> of 2.5million rows, that unioning against multiple tables, despite the
> fact that we are unioning against a primary key, will become non-
> performant. I know I could write a custom mapper to resolve this
> issue, however, I thought I would bring this up since it may affect
> other users, and there may already be a way to solve this easily of
> which I am not aware.

i think their concerns are valid, i wouldnt rely heavily on  
polymorphic loads for a high volume situation.   but in the bigger  
sense, id be concerned about a complicated schema of joined table  
inheritances being able to scale very well in any case regardless of  
ORM (this goes to the slogan on SA's homepage...DBs act less and less  
like object collections the more performance starts to matter...).

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