then there is currently no fix for your situation until this feature  
is added to SA.

On Mar 27, 2007, at 7:27 AM, Chen Houwu wrote:

> I mean non-ascii column names defined in my database table.
> SqlServer, Oracle, MySql...all of the mainstream DBMS support this
> feature,
> In east asia(China, Japan, Korea), non-ascii column names and table
> names,together with non-ascii strings in record
> are widely used.
> On 3月25日, 下午10时55分, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
> wrote:
>> non-ascii attribute names in your Python code ?  or non-ascii column
>> names defined in your database table ?  I didnt know the latter was
>> possible with most databases.
>> On Mar 25, 2007, at 1:04 AM, Chen Houwu wrote:
>>> from the sqlalchemy documentation,
>>> I found when table definition
>>> (e.g
>>>>>> users_table = Table('users', metadata,
>>> ...     Column('user_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>>> ...     Column('user_name', String(40)),
>>> ...     Column('password', String(10))
>>> ... )
>>> )
>>> and a class
>>> (e.g.
>>>>>> class User(object):
>>> ...     pass
>>> )
>>> are mapped together,
>>> the column name in the column definition(e.g. 'password') are mapped
>>> into an attribute of the class,
>>> but python only accept ASCII attribute name.
>>> so,
>>> What if the above "password" is a word in Chinese GB2312 encoding?
>>> Does it mean I can't deal with column name which is not ASCII?
> >

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