On Mar 27, 2007, at 10:00 AM, Julien Cigar wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm using SQLAlchemy 0.3.5, and it seems that the func() output is
> broken with some functions.
> I use the ANY function of PostgreSQL with something like :
> func.any(q.c.habitats)==filter_habitat
> SQLAlchemy translates this in:
> WHERE any(habitats) = %(any)s, which is incorrect.

> For example:
> the result should be :
> iasdev=> select true as result where 'abc' = ANY(array['abc', 'def']);
>  result
> --------
>  t
> where SQLAlchemy generates the query as :
> iasdev=> select true as result where ANY(array['abc', 'def']) = 'abc';
> ERROR:  syntax error at or near "ANY" at character 29
> LINE 1: select true as result where ANY(array['abc', 'def']) =  
> 'abc'...
> Is this a bug ? (or maybe it's possible to keep the order...) ?

can i have some complete code examples please ?  i dont understand  
how your snippet would produce a full SELECT statement.  the phrase  
youve shown me translates exactly as specified, assuming  
"filter_habitat" is ia non ClauseElement::


        should be:

        any(habitats) = %(any)s

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