On Apr 2, 12:27 pm, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> this feature is not supported right now for most DB's except mysql
> but is being addressed in a current ongoing ticket and will be
> available in the next release.

I'm assuming you are talking about autoreconnect here?  If so, I would
be curious to hear the intended direction.  I cam easily imagine a
variety of needs assocaited with such a feature.  For example,
blocking during reconnect/try is probably fine for some class of
applications but problematic for others (would be for me).

> however, its possible that some DBAPIs do not raise the error in a
> manner which can ever be consistently caught; for example we've had
> problems getting this feature to work with Psycopg2 since the
> exception is thrown at unpredictable times (i.e. not within execute()
> or cursor() call;  instead, in the middle of parsing a string or
> something which has nothing to do with a psycopg2 operation...we're
> not sure if this is some artifact of native python extensions or what).

Interesting.  So there is no generic method for catching this category
of error with SQLAlchemy right now, assuming the DBAPI actually
returns an exception?


> On Apr 2, 2007, at 1:07 PM, Greg Copeland wrote:
> > I'm using sqlalcehmy 2.5 with cx_Oracle 4.2.1.  What is the proper way
> > to detect an sqlalchemy operation has lost its database connection and
> > reconnection/retry?  The manual doesn't seem to say much about the
> > topic.  When connection loss occurs, does SA throw the native dbapi
> > exception?  If not, what exception will user code see?
> > I found that various threads on automatic reconnection and I assume SA
> > does not currently, reliably, support automatic database reconnection?
> > Greg

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