Michael Bayer ha scritto:
> On Apr 3, 2007, at 5:58 AM, Glauco wrote:
>> In [1]: t = TipoFigura()
>> In [1]: t.mapper.mapped_table
>>    Table('tipo_figura',DynamicMetaData(),
>>    Column('codice',PGChar(length=1),primary_key=True,nullable=False),
>>    Column('descrizione',PGText 
>> (length=None),nullable=False),schema=None)
>> In [2]: s = select( [t.c.codice], from_obj=[t.mapper.mapped_table],  
>> use_labels=True)
>> In [3]: ret = session.query( t.mapper )
>> In [4]: ret.instances( s.execute() )
>> 2007-04-03 11:27:26,575 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..74 INFO  
>> SELECT tipo_figura.codice AS tipo_figura_codice
>> FROM tipo_figura
>> /home/xxxx/build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py in  
>> _convert_key(self, key)
>> NoSuchColumnError: "Could not locate column in row for column  
>> 'tipo_figura.descrizione'"
>> 1) Why  this error?? the query is perfect  and there is n reason  
>> for check presence of the "descrizione" column.  (the problem is  
>> the same i found in previous mail)
> the "descrizone" column is part of your mapping so the mapper will be  
> searching for it.  understand that session.query() is *always* going  
> to load instances of the primary class - your "codice" column is in  
> *addition* to the main mapped class (but in this case, its already  
> part of it).
> if you just want to select "codice" alone with no mapped objects,  
> execute the select() statement by itself without using the ORM (i.e.  
> session.query).

Yes,  but i lost generative methods filter_by

>> 2) and why if i put all columns i lost use_label features ?
>> s = select( [t.c.codice, t.c.descrizione], from_obj= 
>> [t.mapper.mapped_table], use_labels=True)
>>  ret.instances( s.execute() )[0].c.keys()
>> 2007-04-03 11:39:56,921 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..74 INFO  
>> SELECT tipo_figura.codice AS tipo_figura_codice,  
>> tipo_figura.descrizione AS tipo_figura_descrizione
>> FROM tipo_figura
>> 2007-04-03 11:39:56,921 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..74 INFO {}
>> Out[15]: ['codice', 'descrizione']
> the "instances" method does not return result rows - it returns  
> object instances.  the "c" attribute there is off of one of your  
> mapped classes and the two column names are the columns off of your  
> original Table object.
> to get the columns you want
> s = select( [t.c.codice, t.c.descrizione], from_obj= 
> [t.mapper.mapped_table], use_labels=True).execute()[0].keys()
Yes in fact this is only an example.. my purpose is to implement this 
system for do generic search function over complex mapper , for example 
my first work is a mapper over 19 tables with 1 relation n:m and 2 1:n......

i need some features from  select function and other from generative qry 
over mapper... but it's difficult to concentrate all cases in one select 


                                  Glauco Uri - Programmatore
  Sfera Carta Software®      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Via Bazzanese,69  Casalecchio di Reno(BO) - Tel. 051591054 

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