Is there a way to have SA create an integer column in a postgres table
that is a primary key without SA automatically creating it as type

I have a table like this:

table = Table('my_table', meta,
   Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
   Column("name", String())

SA can create the table fine, but when it does, the resulting table
has the type of 'id' set as serial.  This is good in most cases
because the user probably wants a unique key based off a sequence, but
in my case I don't.  I need to use existing keys from an external data
source and I do not want postgres (or SA) to be computing id from a
sequence behind the scenes.  When the system tries to do this I end up
with conflicting keys and other problems.

Any ideas on how to disable autocreation of a serial column?


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