On 4/4/07, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> its not going to be able to modify the current flush() plan thats in
> progress, so youd either have to insert yourself, dispatch to
> class_mapper(HistoryLoggedItem).save_obj() yourself, or process the
> Session externally to the flush(), create the HLI items at that point
> and add them (by perusing session.dirty and processing).

Ok, dispatching to class_mapper(...).save_obj() will get the sql
executed right away? Will I need to .refresh() the HLI instances

The third option, creating the changelog-information independent of
the flush - would that mean I can't use a mapper-extension to trigger
it? Do I have any other ways for triggering things on object update.

> the third option is slightly less automatic but would be the more
> official "OO" way to do it, being that SA is a library, not a
> framework.  when you try to add behavior by patching inside of SA's
> flush process, youre starting to use it as a framework.  Ive noticed
> the Python community *really* wants to turn things into frameworks :).

Well, dynamic and introspective languages tend to be "framework
friendly" I guess :o)

Does it hurt in anyway to use passive=False when I get_history? In
some cases I had to in order to get what I want (get_history was
returning None).


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