here's what i did and it seems to work:

class _Empty: pass
class Base4Association(..):        #the base for assoc_objects
    class MyCollection( list):
        factory = None
        def append( me, obj =_Empty, **kwargs):
            if obj is _Empty:    #marker for notset; else just use it
                obj = me.factory( **kwargs)     #create it from kwargs
            list.append( me, obj)
            return obj

    def myCollectionFactory( klas):
        m = Base4Association.MyCollection()
        m.factory = klas
        return m


def append( self, *args, **kwargs):
    item = self._data_appender( *args,**kwargs)
        #private __setrecord; was before _data_appender ????
    self._InstrumentedList__setrecord( item)    
sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.InstrumentedList.append = append

   themapper.add_property( name, 
               lazy= False, cascade= "all, delete-orphan",
               uselist= True,
               collection_class= actual_assoc_klas.myCollectionFactory
           ) )

> seems this is the month of the many2many relations ;-)
> why is a the whole assoc.proxy + _AssocList needed?
> Can't one do just with overloading/replaceing the
> InstrumentedList's append() ? or something of sorts. i know it
> might be messier, but with proper hooks it will be
> shorter/faster/easier/...
> in my case, i want any kwargs passed to append() to trigger
> creating proper assoc_obj off them, and using that one.

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