Glauco ha scritto:
> Ram Yalamanchili ha scritto:
>> was filter_by added recently? I have a assign_mapped class User from
>> TG, and doing a session.query(User).filter_by doesn't work (no such
>> method).
> yes, it's in the latest 0.3.6 version...
> this sometime it's hopeful :-)
oooops... i forgot link:
> - orm:
>     - the full featureset of the SelectResults extension has been merged
>       into a new set of methods available off of Query.  These methods
>       all provide "generative" behavior, whereby the Query is copied
>       and a new one returned with additional criterion added.  
>       The new methods include:
>           filter() - applies select criterion to the query
>           filter_by() - applies "by"-style criterion to the query
>           avg() - return the avg() function on the given column
>           join() - join to a property (or across a list of properties)
>           outerjoin() - like join() but uses LEFT OUTER JOIN
>           limit()/offset() - apply LIMIT/OFFSET
>           range-based access which applies limit/offset:  
>              session.query(Foo)[3:5]
>           distinct() - apply DISTINCT
>           list() - evaluate the criterion and return results
>       no incompatible changes have been made to Query's API and no methods
>       have been deprecated.  Existing methods like select(), select_by(),
>       get(), get_by() all execute the query at once and return results
>       like they always did.  join_to()/join_via() are still there although
>       the generative join()/outerjoin() methods are easier to use.

                                  Glauco Uri - Programmatore
  Sfera Carta Software®      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Via Bazzanese,69  Casalecchio di Reno(BO) - Tel. 051591054 

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