It seems I don't understand how i can order the results of a query.
Assume that i have two object Story and StoryStats. Each Story has one
StoryStats, mapped by ForeignKey. The relation is eagerloaded
(The actual model is a tad more complicated, but the idea is the same)

When i now try to select Stories, ordering by create_date goes fine,

But ordering by the realated StoryStats goes awry :/
session.query(Story).order_by(StoryStats.c.rating), only a singe Story
is returned and the actual query takes rather long, about a second.
Now errors are thrown however.

Is there something I'm missing here? (I know I probably could do
session.query(StoryStats).order_by(StoryStats.c.rating), but that kind
of defeats the purpose as the ordering is dynamic)

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