Hi folks,

I'm having some connection problems with a TG application using
Firebird. To try understand the problems I did a test with Postgresql
and Firebird:


1) started the app. and browsed some pages
2) restarted postgresql
3) in the first refresh of the page, after the restart, I got a :

    OperationalError: connection not open

4) Doing a refresh of the page once more, I got this:

SQLError: (OperationalError)  closed the connection unexpectedly
        This probably means the server terminated abnormally
        before or while processing the request.

5) Refresh once more: I got the page running normally.

[Firebird 1.5]

1) started the app. and browsed some pages
2) restarted firefird
3) in the first refresh of the page, after the restart, I got a :

SQLError: (OperationalError) (-902, 'begin transaction: \n  Unable to
complete network request to host "".\n  Error reading data
from the connection.\n  Uma conex\xe3o estabelecida foi anulada pelo
software no computador host.')

4) Doing a refresh of the page once more, I got this:
5) No matter how many time I try to refresh the page, the error
repeats... I have to restart my TG app to make it run again.

I did the tests with SA 0.3.6 and 0.3.7dev-r2504...

What can I do to have my app more "stable" ?



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