I'm developing a web application where users are allowed to specify
where statement. So I can capture it as a string, e.g.
( T1.C1=1 OR T1.C1=5) AND T3.C3 like 'test%'

where T1 is table 1 and C1 is column 1, and so on. Now the hard
question is how to add such string to sqlalchemy query? I've look at a
code and one possible way I see is to created a TextClause with binded
parameters. But even if I can, the hard part would be to preserve
brackets and AND/OR between different conditions. So, it should be a
way to substitue Table.Column with sqlalchemy.Column (which I can do),
and rvalues with binded names, and create a dict of binded parameters,
and just pass a string like

( T1.C1 = :param1 OR T1.C1 = :param2 ) AND T3.C3 like :param3
{'param1':1, 'param2':5,'param3':'test%'}

to given query

Is there any way to address this issue. I'll be glad if someone will
give me some guidelines.


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