On Sun, 2007-04-22 at 13:33 +0000, Ian Charnas wrote:
> I'm sure a lot of us have done something like this, I figured I'd post
> it so people can find it in a google search and won't have to write it
> and debug it themselves...  This is a Type that emulates ENUM for
> engines (like sqlite) that don't have a native ENUM type.  This
> *could* be augmented so that it uses the actual ENUM type for engines
> that support it.  For those interested, you'd add a "get_col_spec"
> method (see other types in sqlalchemy/ for details)
> class EnumType(Unicode):
>     """Basic type that emulates ENUM sql type.
>     Useful for database engines that don't support ENUM (such as
> sqlite).
>     required 'names' parameter must be a list of strings for this ENUM
>     """
>     def __init__(self, names, *args, **kw):
>         self.names = names
>         super(EnumType, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
>     def convert_bind_param(self, value, engine):
>         if value is not None and value not in self.names:
>             raise EnumError("Value(%s) not in Enum(%s)" %
>                                    (value, ", ".join(self.names)))
>         return super(EnumType, self).convert_bind_param(value, engine)
> and this is how you'd use it:
> customers_table = Table('customer', metadata,
>     Column('name', String(50)),
>     Column('frequency', EnumType(names=['Rare', 'Occasional',
> 'Regular']), default='Rare'),
> )
> > 

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