On 4/26/07, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 26, 2007, at 4:40 AM, Gaetan de Menten wrote:
> >
> >>         - the biggest picture not here - its read only !
> >
> > It's obviously meant to be that way... So I don't see a problem here.
> > We might want to add an exception when people try to change it, but
> > that shouldn't be too hard. Besides, I don't see how the
> > association_proxy approach would make it any different.
> >
> the function allows the adding of any arbitrary SQL expression.  if
> that expression were just a column somewhere, and not an aggregate,
> it would be expected that this would be writeable.  reasons like this
> are why the feature as proposed is too narrow.   IMO if you are
> querying things that are read-only, they generally belong more on the
> Query side of things and not the object-relationship side of
> things....

Well, for me, everything which is called often enough should be
factored in the class as a property. The problem being that if you use
a python property, you'd have an extremely inefficient code (to
compute one aggregate method, you'd have to load all related
instances, and so on...).

> within the SA philosophy at least.

Ok, I'll shut-up after this mail... I can't argue with that. ;-)

> >>         - we already have a way to do the above - map to a select
> >> statement,
> >> thereby forcing the user to figure out GROUP BY, polymorphic loading,
> >> etc., also produces an encapsulated statement which eager loaders,
> >> LIMIT/OFFSET etc. criterion can be more readily tacked onto.
> >
> > No, this doesn't suit my needs. I need that particular property to be
> > deferrable. As I said, I got several of them and, for each query, I
> > can need any combination of them. Even though my patch doesn't include
> > the code to do it, with "my" approach, I think it's possible to do it,
> > unlike with the "map to a select statement" approach.
> yeah i would just use non_primary mappers and/or Query.select(full
> select statement)/ Query.add_column(.etc), the "deferred" version
> would be just a property on the class itself that issues a Query.

I'll try this (add_column) route. The problem with this approach is
that I fear it won't be easy to have those additional columns still
available as lazy load. Though I haven't thought much about this
option yet, so that might prove easier than I think.

> essentially everything you want is possible here except that the
> "deferred" option doesnt hook into it the way you want.  which almost
> implies that maybe you just want a new kind of option() that can
> select a non-primary mapper for a particular class query...  query
> (MyClass).use_mapper(aggregate_mapper).select()...

Almost... I would have wanted to not even have to declare alternate
mappers, only all the possible "additional" (aggregate) columns. And
at query time say: fetch this and that "column" (in addition to the
main query) and not those others (which would still be available as
lazy properties).

> at most, for this feature, it would have to be called "aggregate()"
> since its pretty limited to that, and take a limited set of criterion
> in the same way as relation(), and the GROUP BY stuff would have to
> work since postgres/oracle/etc. require that.

FYI, postgres eats my example just fine.

> the  GROUP BY columns
> would be automatically added during the query process since its
> basically, "every column we're selecting".  the whole query wrapping
> thing would have to take place too to cleanly tack on other eager
> loads, limiting criterion and such.  i think some things might
> continue to break when the query is formed this way (particularly
> inheritance) and we might have to add a disclaimer "oh by the way,
> you cant do X, Y and Z when you have a non-deferred aggregate()
> column" if thats the case.
> the main thing is, all the tools are there to do this already, we're
> just talking about adding "yet another way to do it" to suit the code
> looking a certain way, in a way that also has a lot of non-working
> use cases.  plus, just because its not in core, so what ?  its a
> great recipe, maybe extension, we can even add a unit test to ensure
> the API continues to support it.  elixir can have a built-in feature
> tying to the recipe as well (since elixir is the "convenience" layer
> with a little more opinion).

Ok, I'll try to implement that in my own private layer on top of
Elixir, then *if* that's not too invasive I'll either include it in
Elixir (if nobody disagrees there) or post it as a recipe for

Gaƫtan de Menten

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