Hi all,

I've got a situation where I have a table of data that is common, with the
subtables just adding an extra couple of fields.  Using multiple inheritance I
fit it together as below (pretty much the same as the documented example).

What I'm having problems with is then accessing those child tables as properties
of the person table mapping.  I'm get the following error,

Cant determine relation direction for 'example' on mapper 'Mapper|Person|person'
with primary join 'person.id = example.person_id' - foreign key columns are not
present in neither the parent nor the child's mapped

What am I missing here ?


P.S that error should read "foreign key columns are present in neither ..."


exampleTable = Table(
    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('person_id', Integer, ForeignKey("person.id")),

subexample1Table = Table(
    Column('id', Integer, ForeignKey('example.id'), primary_key=True),
    Column('extra1', String(100)),

subexample2Table = Table(
    Column('id', Integer, ForeignKey('example.id'), primary_key=True),
    Column('extra2', String(100)),


example_mapper = mapper(Example, exampleTable)
mapper(Example1, subexample1Table, inherits=example_mapper)
mapper(Example2, subexample2Table, inherits=example_mapper)


    properties = {
        "examples": relation(Example1),
    order_by=[personTable.c.surname, personTable.c.firstname]

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