On Apr 29, 2007, at 3:04 AM, sqAlembic wrote:

> Again, I want to make physical_size respond as a property of Widget.
> I want to be able to initialize a new Widget instance, give it only a
> nominal_size, associate it with a WidgetModel, and thereby it acquires
> a physical_size.  I'd like to be able to do the following:
>>>> wm1 = WidgetModel(mfr='FrobozzCo', name='GasketronXL')
>>>> ws1 = WidgetSize(wm1, 10, 300)
>>>> w1 = Widget(nominal_size=10)
>>>> print '%s %s size %d measures: %d millimeters.' %
>         (w1.model.mfr, w1.model.name, w1.nominal_size,
> w1.physical_size)
> FrobozzCo GasketronXL size 10 measures: 300 millimeters.
> My attempts at the proper mapper to do this have, so far, resulted in
> error messages asking me to specify primary (and perhaps secondary)
> joins.  Should I be joining widget_size_table to widget_model_table
> and then mapping to that join?

a relation like this cant be persisted so youd have to put the  
viewonly=True flag on it.  see the docs on the viewonly flag, as well  
as the "handling large collections" section for some other strategies  
on properties that load special things.

> Secondary question, regarding session.save(): apparently if I save at
> least one of my newly instantiated Widgets then my test code will show
> both as a result of the test query at the end; if I don't save either
> then neither one will result at the end.  Why does saving only one of
> the instances result in both printing out at the end?  Is it because
> of the widget<>model relation with backref?

relationships have "save-update" cascade as the default setting.  you  
can turn off all cascade rules via "cascade=None".  see the docs on  
"cascade rules".

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