Good to hear that adodbapi is going to get some loving.

Here's a brain dump on Unix + ODBC:

There are a lot of commercial UNIX ODBC interfaces of varying
quality out there; I'm not familiar with any of them.

As usual with open source, there's not one but two options for free ODBC
software, unixodbc ( and iodbc ( I've
used both, they both seem to work. For access to MS-SQL, they both depend on
FreeTDS ( for basic TDS communcation needs (TDS=Tabular
data stream: taken from Sybase).

pyodbc uses an ODBC provider, both the free options above and most if not
all of the commercial options should work.

Here's the current options for MS-SQL access from SqlAlchemy:

adodbi is Windows only, uses
COM objects to communicate with MS's ADO access.

pymssql is Windows/Unix (not sure about BSD/Mac), uses a very old TDS layer
known as DB-lib, which you've heard me complaining about many times. I was
using DB-lib to access MS-SQL from C programs back in the day. Rumour has it
you've done the same, so you know DB-lib.

pyodbc is Windows/Unix (again not sure about BSD/Mac), talks to an ODBC
provider as outlined above. Right now, this is most likely the best
supported way to access ODBC from Python.

There is also the mxPython ODBC interface, does basically what pyodbc does,
commercial with support. This is from the guy who wrote mxDate, which was
*the* way to do dates before Python 2.3 introduced the datetime module.
AFAIK, this would also depend on some ODBC provider on Unix like
unixodbc/iodbc/some commercial stack.


On 5/1/07, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On May 1, 2007, at 4:17 PM, Rick Morrison wrote:
> > The 0.3.7 bug is my fault, I checked in the changes without testing
> > on pyodbc. Didn't know that Mike would cut 0.3.7 the very next day!
> > Guess I'll get to use that buildslave for something after all...
> >
> > Paul, I wasn't aware of scope_identity() not working on pyodbc, I
> > checked it in because it was your patch and I know you work on
> > pyodbc. It worked OK here with pymssql, so I let it go. Can you
> > detail what the problem is with pyodbc?
> >
> > In the meantime, I'll make the @@IDENTITY version the default again
> > until it's straightened out.
> >
> > Rick
> >
> >
> on a related note I was contacted by Vernon Cole who says he is
> taking over maintenance of adodbapi, which is a good sign to have
> direct access to a DBAPI maintainer.
> whats the current option to talk to MS-SQL via unix ?  pymssql, or
> pyodbc with a commercial ODBC library ?  (are there free unix odbc
> libraries ?)
> >

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