I'm getting this error even though I have convert_unicode = True and
the proper NLS_LANG setting:

SQLError: (NotSupportedError) Variable_TypeByValue(): unhandled data
type unicode 'DELETE FROM model_acc_protocol WHERE
model_acc_protocol.model_id = :model_id AND
model_acc_protocol.acc_protocol_id = :acc_protocol_id AND
model_acc_protocol.color = :color' {'model_id': 60, 'color': u'RED',
'acc_protocol_id': u'2001-99'}

I know my convert_unicode = True is doing something because it solved
others problems before. Somehow it isn't working here. One thing that
is different here is that the values u'RED' and u'2001-99' were pulled
from the database during the same flush(). In the select statement
just before this one these value were bound as 'RED' and '2001-99'
instead of unicode.

Any ideas?


On Apr 25, 1:08 pm, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 25, 2007, at 12:26 PM, kap_ravi wrote:
> > Apparently there is some problem with theUNICODEdatathat sqlAlchemy
> > sends to oracle from the turbo gears framework. But I have tried the
> > same from the python command line with named parameters and its works
> > without any issues.
> feeding inunicodestrings requires that they be encoded into  
> bytestrings first.  this can be accomplished by either the usage of  
> theUnicodetypeon your Column definitions, or by sending the flag  
> convert_unicode=True to create_engine().  the default encoding for  
> this flag is utf-8 which can be configured by the 'encoding' flag  
> sent to create_engine().
> additionally, when using Oracle, you have to ensure that the  
> environment variable NLS_LANG is set appropriately, such as "AMERICAN-

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