Hi there!

I'm having a little trouble figuring out why my parsing / database
application is consuming vast amounts of memory.

I'll preface this by saying that perhaps SA isn't the best solution
for my problem.  The app basically parses through hundreds of
megabytes of text files looking for various regex patterns.  When it
finds what its looking for it creates a database object at one of
three different levels in a heirarchical model.  (Objects at level A
with children at level B, level B has children at level C).    All of
these objects are linked with SA relations, with cascade and delete-
orphan options.

I understand why SA might not be the best solution.  I'm creating tens
of thousands of database objects, which should have a short in-memory
half life and then my program never uses them again.  I attempt to get
rid of them by doing a cascaded expunge right after I do a
session.flush.   Right after that I do a delete.

This is what happens to memory:

Each loop (job) through the application consumes approximately 6MB
which isnt being released to use on the next loop.  You can see that
after 50 jobs this might be an issue.

Even worse, about 1MB out of the 6MB after each loop is never heard
from again -- even after python exits.  I can't even begin to imagine
what might be causing this.  I thought it might be the mysql database
drivers, but it happens with my sqlite3 test database also.

I've been searching all over the Internet to see if someone else has
run into this problem, but have had relatively little luck.  I did see
articles discussing python memory deallocation problems, but nothing
about failure to de-allocate after python exits.  Even so, most of
those problems were solved by Python 2.5 which is what I'm using.

Let me also say that SA and Elixir are great projects and I really
hope its something else that were doing, but I'm at a loss.

I'd like to set my program up as a cron job, but honestly I can't put
it into production until I nail this issue down.  We can't run more
than about 250-300 jobs through the system without being forced to
reboot since were leaking memory like a sieve.

Has anyone else run into these types of issues?

Any help greatly appreciated.


Jim Burnes
Boulder, CO

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