> Produce the simplest program you can that causes the error, then post 
> both the code and full exception here.
> Paul

Sorry about the wrong subject in the last post. Google groups are quite 

This is the minimal program that causes the error:

db = sa.create_engine('mysql://myuser:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/mydatabase')
metadata = sa.BoundMetaData(db)

def user_mapper():
    '''Create the object/relational link for users'''
    users_table = sa.Table('Users', metadata, autoload=True)
    sa.mapper(User, users_table)
    session = sa.create_session(bind_to=db)
    query = session.query(User)

    return session, query

def authenticate(req, username, password):
    '''Grant access if password matches the one stored in the db'''
    dbsession, query = user_mapper()
        user = query.get_by(Uid=username)
    except sa.exceptions.SQLError, details:
        return "Database error: %s" % details
        if user == None:
            return print_error(req, "That user does not exist!")

The error I get is:

Database error: (InterfaceError) (0, '') u'SELECT `Users`.`Uid` AS `Users_Uid`, 
`Users`.`Country` AS `Users_Country`, `Users`.`LName` AS `Users_LName`, 
`Users`.`Credits` AS `Users_Credits`, `Users`.`Pwd` AS `Users_Pwd`, 
`Users`.`PhoneNumber` AS `Users_PhoneNumber`, `Users`.`FName` AS `Users_FName`, 
`Users`.`MoneyBalance` AS `Users_MoneyBalance`, `Users`.`Email` AS 
`Users_Email` \nFROM `Users` \nWHERE `Users`.`Uid` = %s ORDER BY `Users`.`Uid` 
\n LIMIT 1' ['testuser']

Notice this sometimes works and sometime it doesn't.

This is under mod_python with SQLAlchemy 0.3.7 in case it matters.


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