> On May 22, 2007, at 2:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> I have a transaction that uses save_or_update() and takes 2-3 minutes
>> to execute:
>> There's some setup before the transaction (pseudocode for brevity)
>> contact = Contact()
>> # ...set props on contact
>> contact.user = User()
>> # ...set props on user
>> trans = None
>>         try:
>>             trans = session.create_transaction()
>>             # Save the contact
>>             session.save_or_update(contact)
>>             session.flush()
>>             invoice = Invoice()
>>             invoice.contact = contact
>>             # ...set other props on invoice
>>             session.save_or_update(invoice)
>>             session.flush()
>>             session.save_or_update(invoice)
>>             session.flush()
>>             trans.commit()
>>         except:
>>             if trans != None:
>>                 trans.rollback()
>>             raise
>> The save_or_update() on contact takes several minutes! I have MySQL
>> (using version 1.2.2 of MySQLdb python DBAPI)  db with approx
>> 20,000-30,0000 contact and user records in each table.  If I run an
>> insert manually on the contact and user tables there's no noticeable
>> overhead.
>> Any clues where I should look to see what's causing the apparent
>> momentary deadlock. (I did try echo_uow w/ the session and it does
>> show a lot of misc nodes that have a relation to contact in the
>> tree...but none of them have an instance instance in the session that
>> needs to be saved/updated.)
>> Perhaps I need to use SQL api to execute the statements without going
>> through ORM. But I was hoping that SQLAlchemy would be a bit more
>> scalable. (When I run this action on db without many records it takes
>> less than a second to execute, but as db grows in size the performance
>> degrades.)
> if you need to bulk insert 20K records, no ORM is going to scale to
> that, you need to use raw SQL.
> other than that, you need to be a little more savvy about how many
> entities are actually being loaded into memory via the ORM, and how
> many are actually being processed by the session.  this will require
> proper usage of "lazy=True/lazy=None" as well as an awareness of the
> operation of cascade rules.  all relationships will cascade "save-
> update" by default, for example.  you might want to try setting
> cascade to None.   but youll get better results if you prevent the
> entire collection of 20K records from ever being loaded, and for that
> you should consult the documentation as well as the included example
> script on the subject of "handling large collections".

Thanks for the reply. I should have been more clear, I insert a single
record into a table that already contains 20K+ records. So this is not a
bulk insert. I was merely saying that when the table has relatively few
records, that the sequence of commands executes without any noticeable
performance hit.

I will look at your suggestion of 'lazy' in the mapper, and the cascade
rules. Thanks.

> >

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