Never mind.  My mistake.  --Randall

Randall Smith wrote:
> This is the error:  Note that the first param is an SA object instead of 
> the integer key.
> sqlalchemy.exceptions.SQLError: (ProgrammingError) can't adapt 'SELECT 
> records_tinwsys.tinwsys_st_code AS records_tinwsys_tinwsys_st_code, 
> records_tinwsys.tinwsys_is_number AS records_tinwsys_tinwsys_is_number, 
> records_tinwsys.record_id AS records_tinwsys_record_id \nFROM 
> efile2.records_tinwsys \nWHERE records_tinwsys.record_id = 
> %(records_tinwsys_record_id)s AND records_tinwsys.tinwsys_is_number = 
> %(records_tinwsys_tinwsys_is_number)s AND 
> records_tinwsys.tinwsys_st_code = %(records_tinwsys_tinwsys_st_code)s 
> ORDER BY records_tinwsys.record_id' {'records_tinwsys_record_id': 
> <mswater.lib.dblib.sqla.classes.efile.Record object at 0xb73324ac>, 
> 'records_tinwsys_tinwsys_st_code': 'MS', 
> 'records_tinwsys_tinwsys_is_number': 327L}
> Here is the intermediate table:
>      table = Table('records_tingeoar', metadata,
>          Column('record_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>          Column('tingeoar_is_number', Integer, primary_key=True),
>          Column('tingeoar_st_code', CHAR(2), primary_key=True),
>          ForeignKeyConstraint(['record_id', ], [, ],
>              "records_tinwsys_record_id_fk",
>              onupdate="CASCADE", ondelete="CASCADE"),
>          ForeignKeyConstraint(['tingeoar_is_number', 'tingeoar_st_code'],
>                               [tingeoar.c.tingeoar_is_number,
>                                tingeoar.c.tingeoar_st_code],
>              "records_tingeoar_tingeoar_fk",
>              onupdate="CASCADE", ondelete="NO ACTION"),
>          schema=schemaname,
>      )
> And here are the mapper definitions:
> RecordTinwsys.mapper = sa.mapper(RecordTinwsys, records_tinwsys,
>      primary_key=[records_tinwsys.c.record_id,
>                   records_tinwsys.c.tinwsys_is_number,
>                   records_tinwsys.c.tinwsys_st_code],
>      properties={
>          'record' : sa.relation(Record),
>          'tinwsys' : sa.relation(Tinwsys)
>      }
> )
> Record.mapper = sa.mapper(Record, records,
>      properties={
>          'tinwsys' : sa.relation(Tinwsys, secondary=records_tinwsys,
>                                  backref='efile_records'),
>          'tingeoar' : sa.relation(Tingeoar, secondary=records_tingeoar,
>                                   backref='efile_records'),
>      }
> )
> The error occurs where I access the backref attribute 'efile_records' 
> for Tinwsys.
> Randall
> > 

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