The 0.3 series is now coming in for a landing, foregoing shiny new  
bells and whistles which are instead skipping ahead in the 0.4  
branch.  Release 0.3.8 is primarily a bugfix release, with some new  
features of an only mildly spectacular nature (unless youre really  
into every single MySQL datatype ever made...then its totally  
spectacular).  There is also a fairly spectacular speedup to  
ResultProxy which removes a function call from every column fetch (of  
course not as spectacular as the version in 0.4 which removes two or  

so heres the spectacular list of new whizbangs youll get by  
downloading 0.3.8 at :

- engines
     - added detach() to Connection, allows underlying DBAPI connection
       to be detached from its pool, closing on dereference/close()
       instead of being reused by the pool.
     - added invalidate() to Connection, immediately invalidates the
       Connection and its underlying DBAPI connection.
- sql
     - _Label class overrides compare_self to return its ultimate
       object. meaning, if you say someexpr.label('foo') == 5, it
       produces the correct "someexpr == 5".
     - _Label propigates "_hide_froms()" so that scalar selects
       behave more properly with regards to FROM clause #574
     - fix to long name generation when using oid_column as an order by
       (oids used heavily in mapper queries)
     - significant speed improvement to ResultProxy, pre-caches
       TypeEngine dialect implementations and saves on function calls
       per column
     - parenthesis are applied to clauses via a new _Grouping
       construct. uses operator precedence to more intelligently apply
       parenthesis to clauses, provides cleaner nesting of clauses
       (doesnt mutate clauses placed in other clauses, i.e. no 'parens'
     - added 'modifier' keyword, works like func.<foo> except does not
       add parenthesis.  e.g. select([modifier.DISTINCT(...)]) etc.
     - removed "no group by's in a select thats part of a UNION"
       restriction [ticket:578]
- orm
     - added reset_joinpoint() method to Query, moves the "join point"
       back to the starting mapper. 0.4 will change the behavior of
       join() to reset the "join point" in all cases so this is an
       interim method. for forwards compatibility, ensure joins across
       multiple relations are specified using a single join(), i.e.
       join(['a', 'b', 'c']).
     - fixed bug in query.instances() that wouldnt handle more than
       on additional mapper or one additional column.
     - "delete-orphan" no longer implies "delete". ongoing effort to
       separate the behavior of these two operations.
     - many-to-many relationships properly set the type of bind params
       for delete operations on the association table
     - many-to-many relationships check that the number of rows deleted
       from the association table by a delete operation matches the
       expected results
     - session.get() and session.load() propigate **kwargs through to
     - fix to polymorphic query which allows the original
       polymorphic_union to be embedded into a correlated subquery
     - fix to select_by(<propname>=<object instance>) -style joins in
       conjunction with many-to-many relationships, bug introduced in
     - the "primary_key" argument to mapper() is propigated to the
       "polymorphic" mapper. primary key columns in this list get
       normalized to that of the mapper's local table.
     - restored logging of "lazy loading clause" under
       sa.orm.strategies logger, got removed in 0.3.7
     - improved support for eagerloading of properties off of mappers
       that are mapped to select() statements; i.e. eagerloader is
       better at locating the correct selectable with which to attach
       its LEFT OUTER JOIN.
- mysql
     - Nearly all MySQL column types are now supported for declaration
       and reflection. Added NCHAR, NVARCHAR, VARBINARY, TINYBLOB,
     - The sqltypes.Binary passthrough now always builds a BLOB,
       avoiding problems with very old database versions
     - support for column-level CHARACTER SET and COLLATE declarations,
       as well as ASCII, UNICODE, NATIONAL and BINARY shorthand.
- firebird
     - set max identifier length to 31
     - supports_sane_rowcount() set to False due to ticket #370.
       versioned_id_col feature wont work in FB.
     - some execution fixes
     - new association proxy implementation, implementing complete
       proxies to list, dict and set-based relation collections
     - added orderinglist, a custom list class that synchronizes an
       object attribute with that object's position in the list
     - small fix to SelectResultsExt to not bypass itself during
     - added filter(), filter_by() to assignmapper

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