On Jun 5, 2007, at 11:20 AM, lingo wrote:

> now it looks like:
> Parent_table = sa.Table('Parent', metadata, autoload=True)
> Child_table = sa.Table('Child', metadata, autoload=True)
> orm.mapper(Parent,Parent_table, properties={
>     'Children' : relation(Child, cascade="save-update")
>     }
> )
> orm.mapper(Child,Child_table, properties={
>     'Parent' : relation(Parent, cascade="save-update")
>     }
> )
> I switched on debugging on sqlalchemy to see what happens when i try
> to delete a "parent" object.
> The weird thing is (and probably was also the case before) that the
> parent gets deleted, and the child isn't. After parent-deletion the
> foreign key on the child is set to null (or empty). This is not the
> expected behavior when using "on delete=restrict", this is more like
> "on delete=set null".

you need to set your cascade to "all, delete-orphan".  this includes  
"delete" cascade underneath "all" which cascades a parent "delete" to  
all attached children, and delete-orphan will prevent any Child  
objects from remaining with no Parent in the event that the Child is  
just detached from its Parent.

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