what version u use?

i tried your thing, that is 
$ python -i zz.py
 s = create_session()
 j = s.query(Job)[0] #get first
 del j.files[0]
and seems to work

>>> for a in s.query(Job): print a.name, a.files
Job 1 [<__main__.File object at 0xb78ec72c>, <__main__.File object at 
Job 2 [<__main__.File object at 0xb78ec72c>, <__main__.File object at 

>>> for a in s.query(Job): print a.name, a.files
Job 1 [<__main__.File object at 0xb78e666c>]
Job 2 [<__main__.File object at 0xb78ec72c>, <__main__.File object at 

the only line removed was the "from .....orm import *" - u shouldnt 
use any of those internal stuff unless u know what u do.


On Wednesday 13 June 2007 13:13:58 David Bolen wrote:
> from sqlalchemy import *
> from sqlalchemy.orm import *
> meta = BoundMetaData('sqlite:///')
> jobs = Table('jobs', meta,
>              Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>              Column('name', String))
> files = Table('files', meta,
>               Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>               Column('name', String))
> jobs_files = Table('jobs_files', meta,
>                    Column('job_id', Integer,
> ForeignKey('jobs.id')), Column('file_id', Integer,
> ForeignKey('files.id')))
> class Job(object):
>     pass
> class File(object):
>     pass
> mapper(File, files)
> mapper(Job, jobs,
>        properties = { 'files': relation(File, lazy=False,
>                                         backref=backref('jobs',
> lazy=False), secondary=jobs_files) }) 
> def setup():
>     meta.create_all()
>     s = create_session()
>     f1 = File()
>     f1.name = 'File 1'
>     f2 = File()
>     f2.name = 'File 2'
>     fc = File()
>     fc.name = 'File Common'
>     j1 = Job()
>     j1.name = 'Job 1'
>     j2 = Job()
>     j2.name = 'Job 2'
>     s.save(j1)
>     s.save(j2)
>     j1.files.extend([f1, fc])
>     j2.files.extend([f2, fc])
>     s.flush()

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