Nice code... that part of orm.mapper.registry(klas).mapped_table is
what I needed..

I'll pass it to my coworkers...   :)


> well, if u dont want to write the same thing over and over, write one
> wrapping function, and publish it here.
> e.g. something like (pseudocode):
> def _get_pk_ordered( klas):
>    table = orm.mapper.registry(klas).mapped_table  #or select_table
>    ....
>    return whatever-list-of-columns
> def get_by_pk( session, klas, **columns):
>    cols = _get_pk_ordered( klas)
>    assert len(cols) == len(columns)
>    return session.query(klas).get( [columns[] for c in cols])
> i guess, if its really useful, it may even go into some extension/
> module.
> > > > Some of my coworkers had the same needs of Gaetan... And while
> > > > I understand your solution, I figure out if SA could have it
> > > > natively (detecting the presence of a dictionary)...
> > > >
> > > > Somethink like:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > query.get(dict(columnB='foo', columnA='bar')
> > > > Lazy programmers are the best ones...  :)
> > >
> > > why not query.get(**dict(columnB='foo', columnA='bar')) ?
> > > it should work as is..
> >
> > No, it doesn't...  :/
> > I have the following code:
> >
> > duplicata_table = Table('DUPLICATA', metadata,
> >     Column('dpl_loja', String(2), primary_key=True),
> >     Column('dpl_id', Integer, Sequence('gen_dpl_id'),
> > primary_key=True), # other columns
> >     )
> >
> > mapper(Duplicata, duplicata_table, properties={
> >     'loja': duplicata_table.c.dpl_loja,
> >     'id': duplicata_table.c.dpl_id,
> >     # other proprerties
> >     })
> >
> > Now trying your suggestion:
> > >>> d = session.query(Duplicata).get(**dict(loja='02', id=9))
> >
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "<pyshell#17>", line 1, in <module>
> >     d = session.query(Duplicata).get(**dict(loja='02', id=9))
> > TypeError: get() takes exactly 2 non-keyword arguments (1 given)
> >
> > It expects me to do :
> > >>> d = session.query(Duplicata).get(['02', 9])
> >
> > Dealing with compound primary key of 2 columns is easy... but
> > believe me: I have worked with some legacy database in the past
> > which has tables with more than 9 columns in their primary key...
> > !!
> >
> >

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