Thank You both for Your answers

Yes - I am using 'one page' + browser for searching - but it seems to
skip the generated docu.

I know I am asking a lot, after all i get it for free - so I shouldn't
complain too much;-)
And I know, I'll get the hang of it at some time, using this and the
ones I find in the wiki and else where.

The google one( query object ), I hadn't
tried - I will now.

If I were to suggest something
it would be a two-toc approach - a toc for
python-programmers and one for sql-programmers.

I find myself asking myself questions like:

'how do i do this and that sql using the good features in sqlalchemy'
but a lot of the time i would actually want to skip right to some q+d
+ a resultset and then come back later and 'clean up'
when I have learned some more.

but I was having a hard time even finding out how to do that.
Maybe now i am better helped with the above mentioned

Fanx for letting me play with such great software!

kind regards

On Jun 18, 5:09 am, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> select "full page" mode and use your browser's "search" feature.  or,
> download the distribution and search through the static HTML pages
> included in the docs/ directory.
> we still would like someone to contribute a comprehensive pdf-
> generation solution (one that includes a TOC, etc.)

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