On Jun 22, 2007, at 11:37 AM, Inno wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to make deletes cascade from one table to another,  but
> unfortunately the tables are in different databases.
> <code>
> metadata1 = BoundMetaData('mysql://host/db1')
> metadata2 = BoundMetaData('mysql://host/db2')
> jobs_table = Table('jobs', metadata1,
>       Column('jobid', Integer, primary_key=True),
>       autoload=True)
> folders_table = Table('folders', metadata2,
>               Column('client', Integer, nullable=False),
>               Column('account', String(8), nullable=False),
>               ForeignKeyConstraint(['client', 'account'], ['jobs.client_id',
> 'jobs.account']),
>               autoload=True)
> mapper(Job, jobs_table, properties = {'folder': relation(Folder,
> cascade="all, delete-orphan")} )
> session = create_session()
> job_query = session.query(Job)
> </code>
> The error I get is this:
> ArgumentError: Error determining primary and/or secondary join for
> relationship 'Job.folder (Folder)'. If the underlying error cannot be
> corrected, you should specify the 'primaryjoin' (and 'secondaryjoin',
> if there is an association table present) keyword arguments to the
> relation() function (or for backrefs, by specifying the backref using
> the backref() function with keyword arguments) to explicitly specify

foreign keys cant be created across MetaData objects.  you need to  
eitiher use primaryjoin like the error message says, or place all of  
your Table objects, across all databases, into a single MetaData  
object, then bind() individual mappers/tables to engines at the  
session level (read the chapter on sessions for this).

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