On Fri, Jun 22, 2007 at 07:22:05PM +0200, Christoph Haas wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 22, 2007 at 04:40:58PM -0000, Michael Bayer wrote:
> > On Jun 22, 12:12 pm, Christoph Haas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > 2007-06-22 18:09:57,852 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..6c SELECT 
> > > records_a.id, records_a.domain_id, records_a.dhcpzone_id, records_a.name, 
> > > records_a.type, records_a.content, records_a.ttl, records_a.prio, 
> > > records_a.change_date, records_a.mac_address, records_a.inet
> > > FROM records AS records_a LEFT OUTER JOIN records AS records_ptr ON 
> > > records_a.inet = records_ptr.inet AND records_ptr.type = 
> > > %(records_ptr_type)s
> > > WHERE records_a.type = %(records_a_type)s
> > > 2007-06-22 18:09:57,852 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..6c 
> > > {'records_a_type': 'A', 'records_ptr_type': 'PTR'}
> > >
> > > In [5]: result.keys()
> > > Out[5]:
> > > ['id',
> > >  'domain_id',
> > >  'dhcpzone_id',
> > >  'name',
> > >  'type',
> > >  'content',
> > >  'ttl',
> > >  'prio',
> > >  'change_date',
> > >  'mac_address',
> > >  'inet']
> > >
> > > As you see the keys are just there once. Although the actual SQL result
> > > contains these columns for both records_a and the joined records_ptr.
> > 
> > set use_labels=True in your select() statement.  the point of that is
> > to combine table or alias names with column names as labels for all
> > selected columns, so that names are automatically unique.  the column-
> > targeting i mentioned also would rely upon this to differentiate
> > between the two tables.
> Thank you. It's a tiny bit closer. However that still only gives the
> left side of the join as results:
> result=records_a.select(
>     records_a.c.type=='A',
>     from_obj=[model.outerjoin(records_a, records_ptr,
>         ( (records_a.c.inet==records_ptr.c.inet) & 
> (records_ptr.c.type=='PTR') ))],
>     use_labels=True).execute().fetchone()
> In [9]: result
> Out[9]: (108914, 1, None, u'foo.domain.tld', u'A', u'', 86400, 
> 0, None, None, '')
> In [10]: result.keys()
> Out[10]:
> ['records_a_id',
>  'records_a_domain_id',
>  'records_a_dhcpzone_id',
>  'records_a_name',
>  'records_a_type',
>  'records_a_content',
>  'records_a_ttl',
>  'records_a_prio',
>  'records_a_change_date',
>  'records_a_mac_address',
>  'records_a_inet']

Update: I found another way - but with .select instead of .outerjoin:

In [9]: result = model.select([records_a, records_ptr],
    (records_a.c.inet==records_ptr.c.inet) & (records_ptr.c.type=='PTR'),

In [10]: result.keys()

So I finally get both sides of the join. But this appears to be just an
INNER JOIN. There are records_a with no matching records_ptr and vice
versa. So my actual goal is a FULL OUTER JOIN that just fills
non-matching rows with NULL values. If I understoog correctly then full
outer joins are not yet supported due to some complications with Oracle
databases. So I thought I'd try a LEFT OUTER JOIN with a UNION of a
INNER (RIGHT) JOIN as a workaround as described at
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Join_(SQL)#Full_outer_join (last

Since the above query is just an INNER JOIN I'd have to do a LEFT JOIN +



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